Wednesday, April 16, 2008


I'M NOMINATED FOR A PROGRAM! They sure do move fast.

Where: Central/South America
What: Agriculture Extension
When: Departing January/February 2008

Perfect. Exactly where/what/when I want. This is so exciting! I almost wish it wasn't such a long time until I leave. But I keep telling myself that I need that time in the fall with my family, and if I don't get it I'll regret it. So January it is!


Suddenly this random hope of mine is becoming a reality

My interview went fantastically! She showed up half an hour late and because of this I think she was eager to be friendly and open, and I nailed the questions. We talked for about an hour, and I am happy that I studied the questions beforehand, they were exactly what I thought they would be. I made sure to be extra enthusiastic and I know she made note of it. She said that I should get a call from the head recruiter in New York in a week or less with my nomination!

Right now, my top choices are:
Latin America/Carribean (aka Spanish speaking country)
Water Sanitation first choice, aka bringing clean water to a village, building wells and latrines, and teaching about sanitation and health
Agriculture second choice, creating sustainable crops and teaching about new ways to plant and harvest
(Both are exciting because I can work with my hands in a more structured environment than Community Development, my third choice.)
Leaving at the beginning of next year, probably early February.

This is really happening; I am really going to join the Peace Corps. Let's see what I get!

Monday, April 14, 2008

It's that time of the year again

I am very quietly freaking out inside, between all of the work and emotional stuff and graduation in less than two weeks, and OH YEAH, my interview on Wednesday. BIGGEST INTERVIEW OF MY LIFE. Freaking out, just a little bit.

I just want to grab onto the recruiter and plead, pleaaasssseeeeeee let me into the Peace Corps, I'll do great, I promisseeeeee! However, I think that might make the wrong impression.

Oh, and I'm writing this in class, and my laptop battery is so shot that it only lasts about twenty minutes. I have so much work to do I'm drowning in it. One huge paper down, two to go, two projects to go, one thirty page portfolio to go. Sigh.

I wish I had a shoulder to rest my head against. Comfortable. Uncomplicated. Hopeful.