Thursday, July 24, 2008

Nearing the finish line, but I'm not there yet

Mailed out my medical packet today, after nearly 3.5 months of sitting on it. I couldn't believe how intensely nervous I was just dropping the envelope in the mailbox, but it's done. Now I wait.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

This is me, being Awesome with a capital A

What's that, Sarah? After 2.5 years of thinking and planning, and a year of writing, you've finally finished the rough draft of Dangerous People? And with only one more signature, you'll be able to mail out your Peace Corps packet this week? And you're cutting all your hair off and will look absolutely bitchin'? And you're leaving Pittsburgh and your internship on Sunday, never to return? Can it be true?

Yes. All true, my friends, all true.