So I work with this teacher who I have dubbed "Moderately Creepy Teacher" (MCT) because he is Moderately Creepy. He's never done anything
overtly creepy, but....ok, well he did show me that stack of shirtless vacation photos that one time, and he did keep pointing to his wife in the photos and saying: "That's my dead wife." Most of the time he just sits a little too close and wears his shirts a bit too unbuttoned and is just...greasy. Also missing some teeth and overweight and did I mention in his 50s? Anyway.
Yesterday I went up to the school for the first time since the semester started to plan things with him. We were sitting in the teacher's lounge and there were two teachers there who I didn't recognize. One of the asked who I was. The other one said, with kind of a nudge nudge wink wink vibe about him:
"Oh, just another one of his
compaƱeras." Which, you know, roughly translates as
friend, but said a certain way...
"No!" I sputtered. "I'm a
Peace Corps volunteer! We're giving an Agriculture class together!"
What I wanted to say was: "Okay, so, I get that ya'll think all gringas are like the sluttiest sluts who ever slutted, but SERIOUSLY? You think I'd bang THAT? Have you looked at me? Have you looked at him? Have you noted the age difference? And the missing teeth? Really?
I don't get it, man. I am so tired of being perceived a certain way solely because of stereotypes of my race.
OH and later MCT invited me to the beach with him and some of his friends. WHAT.
I need to get out of here.