Monday, February 2, 2009

Hello strangers

My blog is on peacecorpsjournals! I feel famous and a wee bit like I'm enabling voyeurism. But mostly just famous.

Three weeks until I leave PA for DC! I'm going to miss my mom's big fat turkeys and mashed potatoes, and my dog crawling into my lap even though she's way too big, and long hot baths, and Lost. My mind is humming with possibilities. I feel breathless.


  1. Hey Sarah!

    Welcome to PC Ecuador! Great to hear from you and I hope that you are ready to have a great two years. Ecuador is a fabulous country and two years really does fly by, even if you don't believe it now. My only words of wisdom are to have an open mind and be positive. Seriously, you are about to embark on the coolest, hardest and craziest adventure ever! See you soon!

  2. yay for more people from PA coming on down (i'm from philly)! cayambe's not that cold, don't worry. and my advice: there's no point in underpacking, you might as well bring whatever you can, especially pants. and you're going to want to go dancing and you might be the new breakout karaoke star so bring outfits for that. but good luck with your travels! you will be here soon...bienvenida!

  3. Thanks for the warm words, you guys! I can't wait to meet you.

    Arden, are you in Cayambe now? How long have you been there?
